We don't want you to send us your CV for a 'job'



We don't want you to send us your CV for a 'job'



contact us
for a career move

We have been pioneers in the South African IT recruitment industry since 1992.

Overtime, we developed the philosophy which has propelled our long lasting success and which is at the core of our mission as IT specialist recruitment consultants.

For us our candidate is not a C.V. As our name reflects, we are all about you: the Computer Expert. You are the sum of your talent, your knowledge but most importantly, your choices.

We believe that your career move should be a well thought out decision, not a hit and miss event. Maybe you are used to sending off your C.V. for a particular spec …but that is a sure way of managing your career on a hit and miss basis.

Instead, we would like you to reflect about where you want your career to go.

Please write to us specifying your career goals and aspirations with a summary of your technical experience as well as other skills which you have gained overtime. A Computer Experts IT recruitment consultant will get back to you shortly thereafter to propel you to the career move that fits your aspirations.